Wednesday, November 21, 2012

La Vita è Bella

Happy almost Thanksgiving and weekend!

In my Italian class recently, we watched "La Vita e Bella" (life is beautiful). It's a very famous Italian film starring Roberto Benigni. It takes place during the Holocaust and is about a man and his son during their time in a concentration camp. To keep his young son naive about the horrors about what was happening, the dad (Benigni) convinces his son that the war is actually a game and they have to behave in order to win points in the "game." It's both tragic and funny at different times, and I really enjoyed it! It was sometimes hard to watch because the majority of the movie takes place in the concentration camp and after being in Europe for so long, and seeing a concentration camp in Germany a few months ago, I have a totally different perspective. (This is the trailer.) I would definitely recommend it!

Random happy things lately..

The Christmas tree in the Milan central station!

Starbucks and trains.. a few of my favorite things.

Un capuccinno con cacao.. mmm.

Meter long pizza.. always a good time.

Before & after of drinking lemoncello.. aka drink at your own risk.

Went to a Aleniaspace with my Operations class, and saw where parts of the 
International Space Station and Mars Rover were built.. Yay Astronomy.